Danes are said to be the happiest people in the world, and Copenhagen the world’s most liveable city. Because every bit of Copenhagen is designed for life, from the buildings and architecture, to the food, water and the many bikes
The concept of hygge ‒ a Danish word that best translates to “coziness” ‒ is the perfect description of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
Copenhagen is on the cutting edge of 21st century technology, transportation, education and social welfare.
One minute you’re in Indre By or Christianshavn, strolling along a cobbled street with roses and hollyhocks growing out of the pavement; the next, you’re discovering angular 21st-century architecture along the revitalised waterfront or hanging with the hipsters among the indie boutiques and bars of Vesterbro and Nørrebro.
Rich history full of historical buildings and ancient streets, outstanding museums and galleries, the uniquely enchanting Tivoli Gardens and a resident monarchy that is the oldest in the world
You will find cool city vibes, waterfronts, architectural buildings, small and big squares, old cobbled streets, Renaissance castles, old mansions, 70’s houses, artist studios, modern houses and lots of coast line.
Denmark has everything within a very short distance.